saffraan antwerpen


Indiaas Antwerpen


utub  skateroot


yeah, Eklips is a master of the scratc. Beardyman is a master on Kaos Pad and Roxorloops is techno/echo master.

border: solid 1px gold

border: solid 1px gold




FSCK! %$#@ *mutter*mutter* M$IE+swf==:'(!!!¿!

da er een divke (submenu) over een flash staat, en op mac is da geen probleem in geen enkele browser, mor op IE zet m uw flashke altijd in top layer, allez, eigenlijk niet, die blaast gewoon door alle layers heen, dus mijn submenu zat er precies achter/onder/onzichtbaar,..

eerst hacken en proberen (z-indexes, negatieve z-indexes, iframe voor de swf, iframe voor de divs, multiple servers zelfs  (per ongeluk mor toch...) die flash bleef mor 'on top' staan,...

tot dat ik dus wmode=transparent en
Als ge uwe flash exporteert me transparent background dan ziet em blijkbaar ni alleen naar dingen _onder_'m om door te geven, maar ook naar boven liggende layers speelt die dan ineens mooi netjes mee  
--when your movie is exported with transparent background, it just acts and reacts like an 'ordinary' html element,..  wmode on and no more z-index headache. just add it and you can layer it or do whatever as usual,--

bookmarklet js debugger

simple debugger, on execution it prompts you for an object name, and shows you what is inside;
javascript:r='';for(h in eval(prompt('please give object name',''))){r+=h+', ';}alert(r)


javascript:for(hoi in top){alert(hoi)}

research later:

Welcome! You'll probably want to start with the documentation:http://code.google.com/p/swfobject/wiki/documentation
If you have any questions/comments about SWFObject or have problems with an implementation:
  1. Please make sure you have read our FAQ: http://code.google.com/p/swfobject/wiki/faq
  2. Use the SWFObject discussion group: http://groups.google.com/group/swfobject
If you find any bugs or want to request a future enhancement, you can fill in an issue report on the SWFObject issues page: http://code.google.com/p/swfobject/issues/list

media crawlers

AlltheWeb - Add URL
Sites using Flash and PDF should submit to AlltheWeb, which will index them for its own site and make them available to its search partners, including Lycos.

Google - Add URL

Google will follow links embedded in Flash content - submit these pages to have Google's crawler extract these links for indexing. Also submit PDF documents to this URL.
Singingfish - Add URL
If Singingfish has not discovered your multimedia files through the natural spidering process, use this URL to submit. Paid inclusion program also available

SEO  meta tags

Metadata )

View Full Size Image
View Full Size Image

source: http://code.google.com/webstats/

