Cool, kom al stukken verder met de luxe hotel reservatie van justmauritius Benieuwd of dat wat gaat geven aan huwelijksreizen enzo. Hopelijk binnekort boekbaar. :D
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Exploring the Mac OS X Firewall
All Unix systems have a firewall. But on the Mac, it's installed by default and you can't turn it off. To keep things simple, and keep users from having to build their own firewall rules, OS X packages the firewall as a sub-menu of Sharing within System Preferences. The benefit of this approach is that the firewall can be tied to services. Turn on Personal Web Sharing, for example, and a new rule appears in the firewall to control access to the service.
Presently, I have Personal Web Sharing turned on in the Services menu. The firewall is turned on. And in the Firewall menu, there's a checkbox to allow access to my web server. Opening a terminal and typing sudo ipfw list allows me to see the actual firewall rules that Mac OS X has created.
02000 allow ip from any to any via lo*
02010 deny ip from to any in
02020 deny ip from any to in
02030 deny ip from to any in
02040 deny tcp from any to in
02050 allow tcp from any to any out
02060 allow tcp from any to any established
02070 allow tcp from any to any 80 in
02080 allow tcp from any to any 427 in
12190 deny tcp from any to any
65535 allow ip from any to any
ipfw is the heart of the Macintosh firewall; the listing is the set of rules that Mac OS X built based on the services I wanted to run. Apache runs on port 80 (for http), while port 427 is the service locator protocol. The first column is the rule number, and the rest is the rule itself. I will go into greater detail later. But for the moment, I will turn on Remote Login. A quick glance at the Firewall menu reveals that the Remote Login rules have been turned on. Looking at the output of sudo ipfw list shows how the rules were changed to allow the new service to run.
02000 allow ip from any to any via lo*
02010 deny ip from to any in
02020 deny ip from any to in
02030 deny ip from to any in
02040 deny tcp from any to in
02050 allow tcp from any to any out
02060 allow tcp from any to any established
02070 allow tcp from any to any 22 in
02080 allow tcp from any to any 80 in
02090 allow tcp from any to any 427 in
12190 deny tcp from any to any
65535 allow ip from any to any
The rules have been rewritten, and a new rule has been added to handle Remote Login. Remote Login is handled by ssh, which operates over port 22. I will turn the firewall off as a final test before I put everything back the way it was.
65535 allow ip from any to any
So even when we turn the firewall off, it is still running. It's just the rules that have changed. What I'm going to do in this article is explore ipfw to see how I can use it to better secure my Macintosh and learn something of the threats that assail our computers every day. But first, a few words of caution.
Don't Play with Fire
The firewall that comes with the Mac is a good and robust tool and will protect you from many things, and you should have it turned on all the time. Just because we can handcraft rules does not mean that we should. If we get it wrong, we could stop our computer from functioning and create security holes. In this article, we're going to play with the firewall, learn a few things about our Mac, and then just let the System Preferences take care of things (in most cases).
This is one area where a little knowledge can be dangerous. And it's important to remember that after reading this article you will not be an expert on firewalls.
Say Hello to ipfw
To get a feel for what your firewall is having to deal with, you'll get it to log all the decisions that it makes over the course of a few hours. This will show you what's really happening. First, create a file that contains a copy of the rules you're running. Call this file rules.
IPFW='/sbin/ipfw -q'
$IPFW -f flush
$IPFW add 2000 allow ip from any to any via lo*
$IPFW add 2010 deny log ip from to any in
$IPFW add 2020 deny log ip from any to in
$IPFW add 2030 deny log ip from to any in
$IPFW add 2040 deny log tcp from any to in
$IPFW add 2050 allow log tcp from any to any out
$IPFW add 2060 allow log tcp from any to any established
$IPFW add 2070 allow log tcp from any to any 22 in
$IPFW add 2080 allow log tcp from any to any 80 in
$IPFW add 2090 allow log tcp from any to any 427 in
$IPFW add 12190 deny log tcp from any to any
These rules are a copy of the rules that Mac OS X generated for Personal Web Sharing and Remote Login with logging turned on. You do not need to enter rule 65535 as this is hard-coded into the firewall and cannot be changed. To run the rules just type in sudo sh rules followed by sudo ipfw list to make sure that they have loaded correctly. The final step is to turn logging on. Despite the rules requiring that the output be logged, this only actually happens when it is turned on with sysctl.
sudo sysctl -w net.inet.ip.fw.verbose=1
This might seem complicated, but it allows us to have logging permanently turned on in our rules, only writing to the log file when we want to. The logging is being written to /var/log/system.log. Logging can then be turned on and off without changing or even reloading the rules. To turn logging off, change the 1 to a 0. Leave this running for a few hours as we do all sorts of things that may generate traffic over the Internet. Just one little note of caution at this point: There will be one line in the log file for each packet processed by the firewall. The log file can get very large very quickly! Remember to come back and turn the logging off before your disk fills up.
Looking at the Log Results
/var/log/system.log now contains a large number of lines—one per packet that was handled by the firewall rules we created. Here is an example:
Nov 9 21:12:18 Peter-Hickmans-Computer kernel: ipfw: 2060
Accept TCP in via en0
After all the date and time cruft, we come to the action that was recorded, which says that rule number 2060 accepted an inbound TCP connection via the primary Ethernet interface from address on port 119 to my computer (on address port 54609. Port 119 is used to connect to Usenet news servers, and port 54609 was just a random port Mac OS X allocated for my program to make the connection. To make any sense of the 341,310 lines that the firewall logged while I had it turned on, we need a program to summarize the log. Let's call this program
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use warnings;
my %connections;
while ( my $line = <> ) {
next unless $line =~ m/ ipfw: /;
$line =~ s/.* ipfw: //g;
my ( $action, $from, $to, $direction )
= ( split( ' ', $line, 7 ) )[ 1, 3, 4, 5 ];
if ( check_address($from) and check_address($to) ) {
my $key = ( $direction eq 'out' ) ?
"$from $to" : "$to $from";
foreach my $action ( sort keys %connections ) {
report( $action, %{ $connections{$action} } );
sub report {
my ( $action, %data ) = @_;
print "$action\n";
printf( "%21s Dir %21s : %8s : %8s\n",
'Inside IP', 'Outside IP', 'In', 'Out' );
print '-' x 69 . "\n";
foreach my $k ( sort keys %data ) {
my ( $inside, $outside ) = split( ' ', $k );
my $direction = '-->';
if ( $data{$k}->{in} ) {
$direction = ( $data{$k}->{out} ) ? '<->' : '<--';
printf( "%21s %s %21s : %8d : %8d\n",
0 );
print "\n";
## Filter the broken lines in the log
sub check_address {
my $text = shift;
# There should only be 1 colon
my $count = $text =~ tr/://;
return undef if $count != 1;
# There should only be three .s
$count = $text =~ tr/.//;
return undef if $count != 3;
my ( $ip, $port ) = split( ':', $text );
# Is the port number sensible
return undef if $port < 1 or $port > 65535;
# Are the address digits sensible
foreach my $x ( split( '\.', $ip ) ) {
return undef if $x < 0 or $x > 255;
# All is fine
return 1;
When run from the command line with the system.log file for input, it reads all the lines related to the firewall and extracts the action (Accept or Deny), from address, to address, and direction from the rule, then builds up a hash to summarize the data. The rules are always expressed as "from address" followed by "to address," so we need to switch them around so that packets going from B to A inbound are correctly paired with lines for A to B outbound. The check_address function is to weed out the few lines that logging seems to screw up every now and then. Here's an edited sample of the output. Let's first look at the traffic we accepted:
Inside IP Dir Outside IP : In : Out
------------------------------------------------------------ <-> : 80 : 81 <-> : 1 : 1 <-> : 19768 : 13114 <-> : 15 : 17 <-> : 15 : 14 <-> : 24924 : 16792 <-> : 89 : 82 <-> : 11 : 6 <-> : 11 : 10
First, an assumption: Any port number that is four or less digits long is a legitimate port. If it is five digits long, then it was just a port allocated to the process that initiated the connection. This is not always the case but it is a very useful rule of thumb.
The first line is a Remote Login connection (ssh on port 22) to my computer, and the next is a connection to a web site (http on port 80) from my computer. The next four are Usenet connections (nntp on port 119) from my computer followed by a connection from my computer to my ISP's mail server (pop3 on port 110). The next two are connections to the web server on my computer by another computer.
If you see a port number and are not sure what it is used by, look in /etc/services where most of the legitimate port numbers are listed. If you can't find it there or feel that you are not using the service, then Google for "port xxxx". Now let's look at the traffic we rejected:
Inside IP Dir Outside IP : In : Out
------------------------------------------------------------ <-- : 1 : 0 <-- : 1 : 0 <-- : 1 : 0 <-- : 2 : 0 <-- : 2 : 0 <-- : 3 : 0 <-- : 3 : 0 <-- : 2 : 0 <-- : 1 : 0 <-- : 1 : 0 <-- : 2 : 0 <-- : 1 : 0
Related Reading
Essential Mac OS X Panther Server Administration
Integrating Mac OS X Server into Heterogeneous Networks
By Michael Bartosh, Ryan Faas
As these are all denied packets we are only interested in the port number that they were trying to connect to. Let's go over them:
The Sasser worm runs an FTP server on port 1023 of infected machines. is scanning for unpatched Windows machines still infected by the Sasser worm.
Officially the port used by blackjack servers but also used by a backdoor trojan called PWSteal.ABCHlp. Again, I am being scanned by a computer looking for a backdoor.
Officially used by the SOCKS proxy server. is scanning me, hoping to find a proxy server that it can use to cover its tracks with.
At last a legitimate port, FTP. Here I am being scanned to see if I am running an FTP server that can be hacked by someone wanting somewhere to store some files or a place from which to run a warez site. I don't run an FTP server.
Another legitimate port, this time SMTP. This is someone looking for an open mail server to send spam through.
Officially the port used by the urbisnet service but more commonly a backdoor installed by the W32.Beagle.E@mm worm.
You get the picture. It just goes on and on. Despite being immune to all these WinTel worms and viruses, we should note that there are people out there who will notice very quickly if we turn on our own mail or FTP servers. The same scripts that probe your computer for these services are designed to exploit them the moment they get a positive result. This is why we run a firewall and why we don't run unnecessary services.
Writing the ipfw Log Lines to a Different File
The system.log file is a general dumping ground for all log messages, but it has the facility to write specific messages to separate files. In this case, we're going to write the log lines from ipfw into /var/log/ipfw.log. This file already exists on my system, but at the moment, the /etc/syslogd.conf is not set up to send the messages to it. First, I must edit the /etc/syslogd.conf and add the following to the beginning of the file:
# Exclude ipfw from the main log
This stops the ipfw log lines from being written to the system.log. Now add the following to the end of the file to get the ipfw log lines written to the correct file:
# Log ipfw to its own log
*.* /var/log/ipfw.log
Now it's time to restart syslogd so that the new configuration is loaded. There are two ways of doing this: the Windows way or the Unix way. Rebooting your computer is the Windows way, so we'll do it the Unix way.
sudo kill -s HUP `cat /var/run/`
The preceding line reads the pid of the existing syslogd process and gets it to reload its configuration file. All that remains is to turn logging on, sudo sysctl -w net.inet.ip.fw.verbose=1, generate some traffic, and look at the contents of the /var/log/ipfw.log file. No lines are being written to the system.log file any more. The main reason for this is that the ipfw logging generates so many lines in the system.log file that it makes finding other, non ipfw, messages much harder.
Writing Your Own Rules
Each packet that wants to pass through the firewall, in or out, is checked against the rules in the order in which they are numbered. Once a packet matches a rule, the assigned action is taken, and the next packet is processed. This is why rule 65535 is hard-coded into the firewall; it will match anything that does not match any other rule. Let's walk through the rules we created earlier.
02000 allow ip from any to any via lo*
The first rule allows any ip packet to any address via the loopback interface. The computer makes use of the loopback interface to talk to itself. Trust me when I say that this is useful.
02010 deny ip from to any in
02020 deny ip from any to in
02030 deny ip from to any in
02040 deny tcp from any to in
These rules, and others like them, are there to stop packets with spoofed IP addresses from entering. A more comprehensive set of rules would ban all private IP ranges. The anti-spoofing rules are placed here to stop any packets before they get to the rules that might let them in. If we wanted to bar known bad addresses, this would be the place to do it.
02050 allow tcp from any to any out
02060 allow tcp from any to any established
Here we allow any outbound packets through and follow this up by allowing any previously established connections back in. The firewall is "state-full"—that is to say it doesn't just process a packet and forget about it as it moves onto the next one. It remembers that it allowed a connection from my computer to my ISP's mail server and therefore can identify incoming packets as being part of the same connection and allow then back in without a whole host of new rules.
02070 allow tcp from any to any 22 in
02080 allow tcp from any to any 80 in
02090 allow tcp from any to any 427 in
This rule allows any inbound packet to the ports of the services that we are running in. This leaves just one more rule.
12190 deny tcp from any to any
This rule denies any tcp packet that has gotten this far.
Let's review. We have thrown out the spoofed addresses, we have allowed all outbound packets and all established inbound connections, and we have allowed inbound packets to the ports of the services we are running. All that is left are inbound packets to ports we have not allowed. It's a good thing we have stopped them here as rule 65535 would have let them in!
A quick overview of the rule set:
Allow loopback.
Deny spoofing and people we don't like.
Allow outbound connections.
Allow established connections.
Allow specific inbound connections.
Deny everything else.
All rules have the same basic structure, and a lot can be achieved with the simplest of rules. The basic shape of a rule, more information on which can be found with man ipfw, is quite simple:
[number] action [log] proto from src to dst [interface-spec]
If a rule is given without a number, the next number in sequence is taken. If a number is given, the rule will be positioned among the existing rules. If a rule with that number already exists, then the new rule will be added after the old one, and you will have two rules with the same number. The action can take many values, but for now we're only interested in allow and deny.
Allow will allow any matching packet to pass through the firewall, and deny will just drop them onto the floor.
The optional log parameter will write a line to the logfile for each packet that matched the rule. Lines are only written to the logfile if the system variable net.inet.ip.fw.verbose is set to 1. So we don't have to change the rules when we want to turn logging on and off.
The protocol is the type of packet. The only ones we are concerned with are tcp or ip (which is another way of saying all of them). As a rule of thumb all the protocols are layered over ip, and the most common one we encounter is tcp, with icmp and udp after that.
If you look in /etc/protocols you will see that there are a large number of protocols, most of which we will never encounter outside of this file. Most traffic is tcp, and our rules concentrate on this unless we are blocking something wholesale, in which case we use ip to mean any protocol. But a point of caution: In our "Deny everything else" rule, 12190, we only deny the tcp packets; changing this to deny ip packets may stop your computer from working as many behind-the-scene services still need to get through, such as DNS.
The src and dst are the source and destination addresses that can be defined as either:
any - any ip address
a specific ip address,, or hostname,
a netmask, or
The address can be prefixed by not. Additionally, the address can be followed by a list of port numbers or service names (22 or ssh). For example, the following rules allow FTP connections:
allow tcp from any to any 20-21 in
allow tcp from any 20,21 to any 1024-65535 in
The two rules read:
Allow in any inbound tcp packets to ports 20 and 21 (ftp-data and ftp).
Allow in any inbound tcp packets coming from ports 20 or 21 that are trying to connect to ports 1024 to 65536.
The final element of the rule is the interface-spec. For simple rules, in and out are sufficient and, if omitted, the default is to allow both in and out. When added to a rule they limit the action of the rule to check only the inbound or outbound packets. The interface-spec allows much more control than we are showing here, for example, a rule about being bound to particular interfaces such as an Airport card rather then the normal RJ45 socket.
If we run ifconfig -l, we will get a list of interfaces that are available on our computer. Mine lists six, even though only three are active. The rules we are using will apply to any packet passing through any valid interface.
Our Own Startup Script
The statement "It's not possible to override the firewall built into Mac OS X" isn't entirely true. We could go in and hack around with the kext files, but this is more work than we really need to undertake. What we can do is create our own startup script that runs after the existing firewall to implement our rules. We need to create a directory called /Library/StartupItems/Firewall and include in it two files. The first is a generic startup script called Firewall.
# Firewall
. /etc/rc.common
StartService ()
if [ "${FIREWALL:=-NO-}" = "-YES-" ]
ConsoleMessage "Starting Firewall"
sh /etc/rc.firewall > /dev/null
StopService ()
ConsoleMessage "Stopping Firewall"
/sbin/ipfw -f -q flush
RestartService ()
RunService "$1"
Additionally, we require a StartupParameters.plist file to tell the system when to start our script.
Description = "Firewall";
Provides = ("Firewall");
Requires = ("NetworkExtensions","Resolver");
OrderPreference = "Late";
Messages =
start = "Starting firewall";
stop = "Stopping firewall";
The real work is undertaken by the /etc/rc.firewall script where the actual calls to ipfw are made. For a moment, let's just look at the Firewall script. The service will only start if the environment variable FIREWALL is set to YES. The advantage is that if FIREWALL is undefined, it will default to NO. This allows us to try out new firewall rules by running the /etc/rc.firewall script by hand. But if we have to reboot our computer, our rules will not be automatically loaded until we add the line FIREWALL=-YES- to the /etc/hostconfig file. This is a useful safety net when we are developing our own rules. Once we run our own rules, the firewall tab under services will not be usable until we run sudo ipfw flush to remove our rules.
Finally, we need to fill in /etc/rc.firewall. A copy of rules from earlier will do the job. With the changes made to the /etc/hostconfig file, our custom-made firewall rules will be loaded as part of the normal boot sequence. We now know nearly all we need know to play with our own rules.
How to Test Your Firewall
To test your rules, you need a few resources on hand. First, and most important, you should be working at your Macintosh. If you manage to create a set of rules that stops you from accessing the Internet, you will still be able to open up a terminal, take down the rules, and reestablish your connections. Failing that, you can at least get to the reboot switch. If you are tempted, as I have been, to ssh into your computer from work and make a couple safe changes, you'll discover that you've locked yourself out and will have to wait until you get home before you can fix anything.
Second, you will need access to a second computer that is outside your network. My Macintosh is plugged into a router and exposed as a DMZ host. I can plug my laptop into the same router and access the services on my Macintosh as any other computer would. This allows me to check that the services that I think I am exposing are in fact available.
This second computer also allows us to run nmap, our third resource. nmap is a port-scanning tool with a considerable pedigree. We are using it here to establish which ports are visible and accessible to the outside world. We know what services we intended to be available, but it can't do any harm to check.
$ sudo nmap -T3 -vv -sS -p 1-65535 -P0
Starting nmap 3.55 ( ) at
2004-12-11 16:12 GMT
Host (x.x.x.x) appears to be up ... good.
Initiating SYN Stealth Scan against (x.x.x.x) at
Adding open port 80/tcp
Adding open port 22/tcp
The SYN Stealth Scan took 3127 seconds to scan 65535 ports.
Interesting ports on (x.x.x.x):
(The 65532 ports scanned but not shown below are in state:
22/tcp open ssh
80/tcp open http
427/tcp closed svrloc
nmap run completed -- 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in
3128.366 seconds
The only port numbers that turned up were the ones we set up, and port 427 is closed to the outside world. Everything is looking good. Nmap is a powerful tool with many, varied options and is a useful program to master.
Why Would You Write Your Own Rules?
Given that the firewall that comes with the Macintosh does such a good job and is well integrated with the services that you can run, why would you want to write your own rules? If you have a lone Macintosh that connects to the Internet via an Ethernet cable, then you really don't need to write your own rules. However, if your Macintosh is part of a small network, you may well have services that you only want local machines to connect to. This is the situation I have where I allow remote control of my Macintosh via VNC from local machines but do not want anyone else to know that I even run the service, let alone have access to it.
Playing with a firewall can be quite scary, especially when you see what is attacking you for every moment that you are connected to the Internet. Your most prudent course of action at this point is to remove any custom rules that you have written and let the Sharing Control Panel take care of things. It was doing a perfectly good job before you knew what it was dealing with and will continue to do so going forward.
Peter Hickman is currently working as a programmer for Semantico, which specializes in online reference works and Access Control Systems. When not programming or reading about programming he can be found sleeping.
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Comments on this article
Showing messages 1 through 38 of 38.
running the pearl script
2007-08-30 20:22:53 thxueb [View]
when I tried to run the pearl script nothing happened. I was brought immediately to the terminal prompt with no output or result. I tried:
/...usr/local/bin/myScripts/ /var/log/system.log then I tried perl /var/log/ipfw.logthen I changed #!/usr/bin/perl -w to #!/usr/bin/env perl -w and did perl /...usr/local/bin/myScripts/ /var/log/system.log all (and a few other variations) failed. I gave the script execute privileges and i am certain it is in my path cause I see the path when I type env in the terminal.
How about opening a single nonstandard port
2006-10-11 17:42:47 TomEM [View]
I suspect my problem is pretty common. My ISP blocks Port 80 so I'm using another port for http traffic, specifying that in the URL. To run the firewall, I need to open up that extra port. Isn't there some easy to simply add another line to the rules in the part where the services are opened up? Or do I have to completely override the system preferences.
Thanks for any help. It makes a difference between running and not running the firewall...
StartupItems troubleshooting
2006-04-20 13:40:37 iamstein [View]
Hi, I followed the above directions for creating my custom firewall. I did the following:
1) Created a /System/Libraries/Firewall directory
2) Copyied and pasted the text from this website into a Firewall file and a StartupParameters.plist file in that subdirectory
3) Added a line to /etc/hostconfig that says:
And yet, when I restart my computer, it's still using the same old firewall. Got any ideas?
Thanks, Andy
StartupItems troubleshooting
2006-04-21 10:55:45 peterhickman [View]
You have created the wrong directory, you need to create /Library/StartupItems/Firewall/ It is this directory, /Library/StartupItems/, that OSX looks for when looking for items to run at startup.
Otherwise the rest looks fine.
As I understand it from other people the /Library/StartupItems/ directory may not exist by default. It was so long ago that I can no longer remember if I created it or it was there all along. Here are the permissions from my machine:
drwxr-xr-x root wheel /Library/StartupItems/
drwxr-xr-x root wheel /Library/StartupItems/Firewall/
As a note, never do anything in the /System directory.
StartupItems troubleshooting
2006-04-21 08:24:14 iamstein [View]
Here's a little more info. I changed the name from Firewall to Firewall2, just to see what happened.
bacchus:~ root# /sbin/SystemStarter start Firewall2
Welcome to Macintosh.
Initializing network
Loading Shared IP extension
kextload: extension /System/Library/Extensions/SharedIP.kext appears to be valid
kextload: loading extension /System/Library/Extensions/SharedIP.kext
kextload: sending 1 personality to the kernel
kextload: extension /System/Library/Extensions/SharedIP.kext is already loaded
Loading IP Firewall extension
kextload: extension /System/Library/Extensions/IPFirewall.kext appears to be valid
kextload: loading extension /System/Library/Extensions/IPFirewall.kext
kextload: sending 1 personality to the kernel
kextload: extension /System/Library/Extensions/IPFirewall.kext is already loaded
Exec failed for item /System/Library/StartupItems/Firewall2: Permission denied
Firewall2 (396) did not complete successfully.
The following StartupItems failed to properly start:
/System/Library/StartupItems/Firewall2 - execution of Startup script failed
Startup complete.
StartupItems troubleshooting
2006-04-20 13:58:33 iamstein [View]
Oh, yes, I also, of course created a /etc/rc.firewall file and at the terminal window, if
Furthermore, if I type:
sudo /etc/rc.firewall
It runs just fine
Usable on Mac OS X Server?
2005-04-10 00:25:10 lowrezz [View]
I work in a large Windows organization with a growning population of 8 Xserve systems.
Lately I've been experimenting with the firewall in the server manager and it's frustrating. Your article has provided great insight to refining my issues, but I don't know if the syntax
is applicable to the OS X Server 10.3.8 SW.
Adding firewall rules for NAT + question...
2005-04-06 11:13:06 efixler [View]
Thanks for this great article! I use my 10.3 (client) box as a DHCP/NAT gateway, and was looking for a way to add rules that would let clients on the internal networks comminucate with the outside world freely, without me having to open ports in the internal firewall. I modified your startup script like so:
StartService () {
/sbin/ipfw add 3000 allow ip from to any in
/sbin/ipfw add 3010 allow ip from to any in
StopService ()
ConsoleMessage "Stopping Additional Firewall Rules"
/sbin/ipfw delete 3000
/sbin/ipfw delete 3010
When I run these rules, everything seems to work as intended. However, when the rules are in effect, System Preferences will no longer let me edit the built-in Firewall settings panel, as it can detect that 'other firewall software' is in use.
Anyone have any idea how it detects this; I'd like to circumvent this detection (so that I can edit the general rules while the internal network rules remain in effect)
Adding firewall rules for NAT + question...
2007-07-16 07:42:09 variac [View]
hi eric, were u able to find a solution to your problem. coz m facing the same problem
Adding firewall rules for NAT + question...
2007-07-16 07:41:54 variac [View]
hi eric,
were u able to find a solution to your problem. coz m facing the same problem
Mac firewall
2005-03-26 17:01:35 rspage [View]
What if I am using a router to network 2 Macs and 1 PC? The router has its own firewall. I have the Mac firewall turned off. Is this correct? Also, since I am using the routers firewall can I still turn on SSH and the other items in the Sharing pane of system preferences or would I need to turn them on using the router firewall?
2005-03-25 06:26:35 Porcustal [View]
I can't get this logging to work at all. Nothing happens in my System.log when i start the logging with sudo sysctl -w net.inet.ip.fw.verbose=1
I just get the messege logging the use of sudo...
I did get somethings to log to my ipfw.log, but none was ipfw :/ this is prob because you have it as *.* in syslog.conf, might be better to do ipfw.* or ipfw.notice but of course it wouldn't work for me in the first place. I'm using 10.2.8 Jaguar still, could this be why??
another correction
2005-03-25 05:47:20 2002switcher [View]
The section Our Own Startup Script has the wrong path for creating the Firewall directory. It should be:
another correction
2005-03-29 13:55:01 efixler [View]
Actually, the path in the article is correct. /Library/StartupItems is where you you put your own StartupItems. /System is only for stuff shipped by Apple.
perl-scripts with an input?
2005-03-24 12:14:43 Wikinator [View]
How can I do the perl-scripts with an input?
Am I right to copy the source of these scripts into a new file?
What about SMB?
2005-03-19 18:51:01 jace [View]
I've found that the firewall's default rule for SMB, opening just port 139, isn't adequate. With the firewall on, Windows or Linux users can't access my machine, which is unfortunate because SMB is the only filesharing protocol that works across platforms and usually comes pre-installed.
Do you know what other ports I need to open?
What about SMB?
2005-03-21 05:35:07 peterhickman [View]
If you know for sure that Windows and Linux users can access the SMB shares when the firewall is not running then it is a problem with the firewall. I don't run SMB shares but here is how I would approach the problem.
Find a Windows or Linux machine that wants to access the share and get it's ip address, say x.x.x.x. Then create a rule to allow full access for this address
ipfw add ????? allow log ip from x.x.x.x to any in
Remember to place this rule nice and early in the list (the rule number is at ?????). Now turn logging on and try to access the share (which should succeed). Having done that turn off logging and examine the log file for all references to x.x.x.x This will show you the ports and protocols (tcp, udp, icmp) that were used with the connection. You should be able to work from that. Remember the legitimate ports are usually less than five digits.
Then remove rule ?????.
Firewalls and Internet Sharing
2005-03-17 12:03:14 makalumatt [View]
It seems that if you enable "Internet Sharing" on a Mac, then that particula Mac can't have its firewall enabled, otherwise the other Macs on the network (those sharing the internet access) won't properly be able to access network services. Has anyone else experienced that?
Firewalls and Internet Sharing
2005-03-18 05:23:46 peterhickman [View]
The problem is that when you do internet sharing OS X does not create any special rules for the computers who are accessing the internet through the master computer. The rules for inbound packets are the same for access to your computer from the outside as they are for the sharees. I have found that as I only expose http and ssh then computers that are accessing the internet via my computer can only access http and ssh. What I do is add an extra rule to allow https access to my computer from the airport card so that my wife can access the shopping sites.
allow tcp from any to any https in via en1
Depending on how you feel about the people connecting to your computer you would need to set up a rule for each protocol that they are allowed to use or add a generic rule like
allow tcp from any to any in via en1
but this way you are putting a lot of trust in the users of your system that they will not use your machine as a gateway to spam from.
2005-03-17 09:56:30 adrianmayo [View]
I was interested to see the use of
I cannot find information on the '!' command in 'man 5 syslog.conf'. I can guess what is happening, but can you point me in the direction of this 'missing' syslog infomation.
2005-03-30 22:54:45 johnwilkins [View]
Here's the man page for syslog.conf from FreeBSD 4.11 (the one OS X is based on). It gives a full description of the "program specififcation" ( !program_name and !-program_name).
2005-03-18 01:08:22 peterhickman [View]
Strange I've never noticed that before. It isn't in the man page. It is mentioned in my redhat man page as an extension to the origonal BSD source. Seems to be working as expected, perhaps the OS X man pages need revising.
This syslogd(8) has a syntax extension to the original BSD source, that makes its use more intuitively. You may precede every prior-
ity with an equation sign (``='') to specify only this single priority and not any of the above. You may also (both is valid, too)
precede the priority with an exclamation mark (``!'') to ignore all that priorities, either exact this one or this and any higher pri-
ority. If you use both extensions than the exclamation mark must occur before the equation sign, just use it intuitively.
ftp rules?
2005-03-16 13:49:39 oefe [View]
For ftp FTP connections, the first rule seems to be clear:
allow tcp from any to any 20-21 in
This lets clients connect to the ftp port (21) and to ftp-data(20).
But what is the second rule supposed to be?
allow tcp from any 20,21 to any 1024-65535 in
This would allow clients to access any (unprivileged) port as long as they are connecting from port 20 or 21.
Is this somehow supposed to support passive ftp? But clients normally can't (and won't) use the privileged ports.
Indeed, with the firewall active, I can connect to the ftp server, but I can't up/download files or even get a directory listing.
How do I configure ipfw correctly for passive ftp? Or can I tell ftpd to use port 20 for the data connection?
ftp rules?
2005-03-22 20:23:03 coolmacguy [View]
That second line is indeed erroneous. The client is definitely not restricted to connecting from only port 20 or 21 when it initiates the second connection. According to my logs both Dreamweaver and Transmit use a port in the high 60000 range.
ftp rules?
2005-03-16 15:05:43 peterhickman [View]
The two rules that I gave for the firewall are just a copy of the rules that OS X creates when you turn on FTP and have a firewall running.
If you drop your firewall can you connect and use the FTP server and access it as you would expect? If not then the problem lies with the configuration of the FTP server and not the firewall.
Must confess I do not use the FTP server if I can help it, prefering SFTP.
ftp rules?
2005-05-06 01:16:43 gsyoungblood [View]
I've just run into this problem today.
I can confirm the problem as reported above.
With Mac OS X (10.3.9) firewall on, remote clients are not able to use passive. With the firewall stopped, FTP is fully functional, including passive.
This has been giving me grief, to say the least. Fortunately, my machine is behind a firewall already, so turning the Mac firewall off is not opening me up to problems externally. I'd still rather have it enabled.
If I figure out the solution tonight, I'll post a reply.
ftp rules?
2005-05-06 02:54:25 gsyoungblood [View]
The problem is quite simple. The FTP Access firewall rules only support Active FTP, not Passive. At least that is what it appears to be. For a pretty reasonable description and comparison of Active and Passive FTP, see Active FTP vs. Passive FTP, a Definitive Explanation [].
The short version is this: Passive FTP has a second connection from the client to a specified port on the server, a port that is not port 20 or 21. For this reason, the standard firewall rules for FTP Access do not permit Passive FTP.
I did not look at the configuration options in detail for the FTP server provided by Apple, but I do not recall seeing anyplace to restrict the passive FTP ports to a set range. This is important, otherwise you are going to be opening your firewall for every port over 1024, and that's not a good idea.
In general, the goal is to open the least number of ports necessary to support what you want to run.
Here is how I solved the problem and made Passive FTP work.
First, I decided to use a different FTP server. I decided to try PureFTPd Manager. After downloading and installing it, I ran it and went into Preferences. There, it lets you specify a range of ports to use for Passive FTP. Choose something you are comfortable with, for example 9900 to 9999 (for a small FTP server).
Next, go to System Preferences, and make sure FTP Access is checked in both Services and Firewall.
Finally, under Firewall, click New, to add a new firewall rule. Select Other from the drop down list, and enter the range of ports you decided to use, 9900-9999 using the previous example. Then, enter a description, such as FTP Access (Passive). When you click OK, the rule should be added and activated.
If everything is running and setup properly, Passive FTP should now be working.
Hostname in rules?
2005-03-16 10:52:06 Brad_Fleming [View]
I have an OSX machine that serves in a dynamic IP environment. I would like to add a rule requiring all ssh connections to originate from a * IP. The problem is that users can easily get an IP from several different subnets because they move from one building to another fairly often (what with meetings and wireless). Is this possible? If so, can somebody please help me with the syntax used? Thanks in advance.
Hostname in rules?
2005-03-17 01:22:33 peterhickman [View]
While you can have rules like
allow tcp from to any 22 in
I'm not sure that you could use a * instead of the fred. You would probably have to iterate all possible values for *. The only way to find out is to try it.
Do you have the netmask for *, you could use that.
allow tcp from to any 22 in
Is there another way of approaching this, could you just only allow the various private address ranges in and exclude the rest. Assuming that the * are all private.
Slight error
2005-03-16 09:18:48 finkga [View]
The article states:
02050 allow tcp from any to any out
02060 allow tcp from any to any established
> Here we allow any outbound packets through and
> follow this up by allowing any previously
> established connections back in. The firewall
> is "state-full"—that is to say it doesn't just
> process a packet and forget about it as it
> moves onto the next one. It remembers that it
> allowed a connection from my computer to my
> ISP's mail server and therefore can identify
> incoming packets as being part of the same
> connection and allow then back in without a
> whole host of new rules.
This is not an example of stateful processing. The first rule allows any outgoing tcp connection it doesn't care whether it is a new connection or an established one. To restrict the outbound rule to new connections only, you must append the word "setup" to this rule. This matches only tcp packets with the SYN bit set.
The second rule allows only tcp packets without the SYN bit set to pass. With the two rules entered as listed, someone with nmap can still use ACK packets (pretending to be part of an existing connection) to scan your machine.
If you really want stateful monitoring of connections you need to use the check-state rule and the keep-state actions. For instance, adding the rules:
add 2050 check-state
add 2060 allow tcp from me to any out setup keep-state
will make the firewall stateful. The first rule says, "match the packets against any of the dynamic rules I've made so far." If none of these matches, the next rule comes into play. Rule 2060 says, "if this is a new outgoing connection initiated by me, make a dynamic rule that will allow any traffic from this connection through."
With these modified rules, incoming ACK packets and other beasts trying to pretend they are part of an existing connection will not match and will be turned away at the door. Check out the ipfw man page for more details.
Hope this isn't as confusing as it sounds.
-- Glenn
Slight error
2005-03-17 01:01:12 peterhickman [View]
You are correct, I am using the term 'state-full' incorrectly here. What I wanted to get across was that ipfw did have a memory of previous connections and could recognise a packet as belonging to an already established / permitted connection.
Having said that 'state-full' does have a technical meaning in regards to firewalls an missusing it isn't going to help anybody.
Thanks again for the correction.
Slight error
2006-02-04 15:51:27 sumbach [View]
This still isn't quite right. Using your rules, ipfw doesn't have any memory at all--it's using the TCP flags to determine whether the connection is established or not.
A stateful ipfw ruleset will always contain at least one rule with the 'check-state' action and at least one rule with the 'keep-state' option. ipfw's "memory" is in the form of dynamic rules.
edit or create?
2005-03-16 04:31:07 Oneida [View]
Nice article. I use the default set of rules, but restricted to certain IPs for ssh, and a high numebered port in the router pointing to the ssh port in my mac.
OK. In "Writing the ipfw Log Lines to a Different File" you edit /etc/syslogd.conf.
My mac with 10.3.8 does not have that file, but it does have /etc/syslog.conf which has lines that define where to log things, such as
mail.* /var/log/mail.log
And others.
Should we create /etc/syslogd.conf or use /etc/syslog.conf instead? And if we have to create it, which permissions should we use?
edit or create?
2005-03-16 12:19:19 peterhickman [View]
Sorry that is a typo of mine. As Glen has pointed out in his reply to your question /etc/syslog.conf is the file to use.
Thank you for catching that for me Glen
edit or create?
2005-03-16 10:17:11 finkga [View]
Just use the existing /etc/syslog.conf. But first, I recommend making a backup copy of the file.
-- Glenn
name resolution
2005-07-15 14:58:57 ruy_lopez [View]
Anyone any ideas for adding name resolution to the script. I think it would be a good enhancement.
All worked flawlessly by the way.
Nice article.
name resolution
2005-07-23 07:05:17 peterhickman [View]
The code to do this, taken from perldoc -f gethostbyaddr, would be something along the lines of this, put
use Socket;
at the top with the other use statements, and then when you are about to print out the address do sothing like the following.
my $iaddr = inet_aton("");
my $name = gethostbyaddr($iaddr, AF_INET);
print "$name\n";
However I find the raw IP addresses best as I can just drop them into my firewall.
name resolution
2005-07-25 08:35:21 ruy_lopez [View]
Thanks Peter for the push in the right direction. I now post (for any who are interested) the resulting ammendments to achieve name resolution AND ip data for each ipfw.log event. The result (after a bit of hammering) is the inclusion of these lines:
# obviously include: use Socket; at the top, then:
#look for this part of original script.
printf( "%21s %s %21s : %8d : %8d\n",
0 );
# and in line with the indents apend ( or rather insert after the above ) the following :
my ( $inaddress, $inport ) = split( ':' ,
$inside );
my $iaddr = inet_aton("$inaddress");
my $namein = gethostbyaddr($iaddr,AF_INET);
my ( $outaddress, $outport ) = split( ':' , $outside );
my $oaddr = inet_aton("$outaddress");
my $nameout = gethostbyaddr($oaddr,AF_INET);
if ( defined($namein) ) {
$namein = $namein;
} else {
$namein = "unresolved";
if ( defined($nameout) ) {
$nameout = $nameout;
} else {
$nameout = "unresolved";
printf( "%21s %s %21s\n",
$nameout );
print "\n";
# now the original script continues with these lines:
print "\n";
I warn you that this runs in a rather dirty spluttering manner but should work without errors.
I'm not sure that I'll use it too much but I'm considering using it for daily crontab emailing (I've already changed ipfw from weekly to daily in /etc/periodical), so I get an email of all the addresses and names that ipfw has encountered during the day.
Also, I'm sure the above could be simplified but my perl skills are not yet up to the task.
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Presently, I have Personal Web Sharing turned on in the Services menu. The firewall is turned on. And in the Firewall menu, there's a checkbox to allow access to my web server. Opening a terminal and typing sudo ipfw list allows me to see the actual firewall rules that Mac OS X has created.
02000 allow ip from any to any via lo*
02010 deny ip from to any in
02020 deny ip from any to in
02030 deny ip from to any in
02040 deny tcp from any to in
02050 allow tcp from any to any out
02060 allow tcp from any to any established
02070 allow tcp from any to any 80 in
02080 allow tcp from any to any 427 in
12190 deny tcp from any to any
65535 allow ip from any to any
ipfw is the heart of the Macintosh firewall; the listing is the set of rules that Mac OS X built based on the services I wanted to run. Apache runs on port 80 (for http), while port 427 is the service locator protocol. The first column is the rule number, and the rest is the rule itself. I will go into greater detail later. But for the moment, I will turn on Remote Login. A quick glance at the Firewall menu reveals that the Remote Login rules have been turned on. Looking at the output of sudo ipfw list shows how the rules were changed to allow the new service to run.
02000 allow ip from any to any via lo*
02010 deny ip from to any in
02020 deny ip from any to in
02030 deny ip from to any in
02040 deny tcp from any to in
02050 allow tcp from any to any out
02060 allow tcp from any to any established
02070 allow tcp from any to any 22 in
02080 allow tcp from any to any 80 in
02090 allow tcp from any to any 427 in
12190 deny tcp from any to any
65535 allow ip from any to any
The rules have been rewritten, and a new rule has been added to handle Remote Login. Remote Login is handled by ssh, which operates over port 22. I will turn the firewall off as a final test before I put everything back the way it was.
65535 allow ip from any to any
So even when we turn the firewall off, it is still running. It's just the rules that have changed. What I'm going to do in this article is explore ipfw to see how I can use it to better secure my Macintosh and learn something of the threats that assail our computers every day. But first, a few words of caution.
Don't Play with Fire
The firewall that comes with the Mac is a good and robust tool and will protect you from many things, and you should have it turned on all the time. Just because we can handcraft rules does not mean that we should. If we get it wrong, we could stop our computer from functioning and create security holes. In this article, we're going to play with the firewall, learn a few things about our Mac, and then just let the System Preferences take care of things (in most cases).
This is one area where a little knowledge can be dangerous. And it's important to remember that after reading this article you will not be an expert on firewalls.
Say Hello to ipfw
To get a feel for what your firewall is having to deal with, you'll get it to log all the decisions that it makes over the course of a few hours. This will show you what's really happening. First, create a file that contains a copy of the rules you're running. Call this file rules.
IPFW='/sbin/ipfw -q'
$IPFW -f flush
$IPFW add 2000 allow ip from any to any via lo*
$IPFW add 2010 deny log ip from to any in
$IPFW add 2020 deny log ip from any to in
$IPFW add 2030 deny log ip from to any in
$IPFW add 2040 deny log tcp from any to in
$IPFW add 2050 allow log tcp from any to any out
$IPFW add 2060 allow log tcp from any to any established
$IPFW add 2070 allow log tcp from any to any 22 in
$IPFW add 2080 allow log tcp from any to any 80 in
$IPFW add 2090 allow log tcp from any to any 427 in
$IPFW add 12190 deny log tcp from any to any
These rules are a copy of the rules that Mac OS X generated for Personal Web Sharing and Remote Login with logging turned on. You do not need to enter rule 65535 as this is hard-coded into the firewall and cannot be changed. To run the rules just type in sudo sh rules followed by sudo ipfw list to make sure that they have loaded correctly. The final step is to turn logging on. Despite the rules requiring that the output be logged, this only actually happens when it is turned on with sysctl.
sudo sysctl -w net.inet.ip.fw.verbose=1
This might seem complicated, but it allows us to have logging permanently turned on in our rules, only writing to the log file when we want to. The logging is being written to /var/log/system.log. Logging can then be turned on and off without changing or even reloading the rules. To turn logging off, change the 1 to a 0. Leave this running for a few hours as we do all sorts of things that may generate traffic over the Internet. Just one little note of caution at this point: There will be one line in the log file for each packet processed by the firewall. The log file can get very large very quickly! Remember to come back and turn the logging off before your disk fills up.
Looking at the Log Results
/var/log/system.log now contains a large number of lines—one per packet that was handled by the firewall rules we created. Here is an example:
Nov 9 21:12:18 Peter-Hickmans-Computer kernel: ipfw: 2060
Accept TCP in via en0
After all the date and time cruft, we come to the action that was recorded, which says that rule number 2060 accepted an inbound TCP connection via the primary Ethernet interface from address on port 119 to my computer (on address port 54609. Port 119 is used to connect to Usenet news servers, and port 54609 was just a random port Mac OS X allocated for my program to make the connection. To make any sense of the 341,310 lines that the firewall logged while I had it turned on, we need a program to summarize the log. Let's call this program
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use warnings;
my %connections;
while ( my $line = <> ) {
next unless $line =~ m/ ipfw: /;
$line =~ s/.* ipfw: //g;
my ( $action, $from, $to, $direction )
= ( split( ' ', $line, 7 ) )[ 1, 3, 4, 5 ];
if ( check_address($from) and check_address($to) ) {
my $key = ( $direction eq 'out' ) ?
"$from $to" : "$to $from";
foreach my $action ( sort keys %connections ) {
report( $action, %{ $connections{$action} } );
sub report {
my ( $action, %data ) = @_;
print "$action\n";
printf( "%21s Dir %21s : %8s : %8s\n",
'Inside IP', 'Outside IP', 'In', 'Out' );
print '-' x 69 . "\n";
foreach my $k ( sort keys %data ) {
my ( $inside, $outside ) = split( ' ', $k );
my $direction = '-->';
if ( $data{$k}->{in} ) {
$direction = ( $data{$k}->{out} ) ? '<->' : '<--';
printf( "%21s %s %21s : %8d : %8d\n",
0 );
print "\n";
## Filter the broken lines in the log
sub check_address {
my $text = shift;
# There should only be 1 colon
my $count = $text =~ tr/://;
return undef if $count != 1;
# There should only be three .s
$count = $text =~ tr/.//;
return undef if $count != 3;
my ( $ip, $port ) = split( ':', $text );
# Is the port number sensible
return undef if $port < 1 or $port > 65535;
# Are the address digits sensible
foreach my $x ( split( '\.', $ip ) ) {
return undef if $x < 0 or $x > 255;
# All is fine
return 1;
When run from the command line with the system.log file for input, it reads all the lines related to the firewall and extracts the action (Accept or Deny), from address, to address, and direction from the rule, then builds up a hash to summarize the data. The rules are always expressed as "from address" followed by "to address," so we need to switch them around so that packets going from B to A inbound are correctly paired with lines for A to B outbound. The check_address function is to weed out the few lines that logging seems to screw up every now and then. Here's an edited sample of the output. Let's first look at the traffic we accepted:
Inside IP Dir Outside IP : In : Out
------------------------------------------------------------ <-> : 80 : 81 <-> : 1 : 1 <-> : 19768 : 13114 <-> : 15 : 17 <-> : 15 : 14 <-> : 24924 : 16792 <-> : 89 : 82 <-> : 11 : 6 <-> : 11 : 10
First, an assumption: Any port number that is four or less digits long is a legitimate port. If it is five digits long, then it was just a port allocated to the process that initiated the connection. This is not always the case but it is a very useful rule of thumb.
The first line is a Remote Login connection (ssh on port 22) to my computer, and the next is a connection to a web site (http on port 80) from my computer. The next four are Usenet connections (nntp on port 119) from my computer followed by a connection from my computer to my ISP's mail server (pop3 on port 110). The next two are connections to the web server on my computer by another computer.
If you see a port number and are not sure what it is used by, look in /etc/services where most of the legitimate port numbers are listed. If you can't find it there or feel that you are not using the service, then Google for "port xxxx". Now let's look at the traffic we rejected:
Inside IP Dir Outside IP : In : Out
------------------------------------------------------------ <-- : 1 : 0 <-- : 1 : 0 <-- : 1 : 0 <-- : 2 : 0 <-- : 2 : 0 <-- : 3 : 0 <-- : 3 : 0 <-- : 2 : 0 <-- : 1 : 0 <-- : 1 : 0 <-- : 2 : 0 <-- : 1 : 0
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As these are all denied packets we are only interested in the port number that they were trying to connect to. Let's go over them:
The Sasser worm runs an FTP server on port 1023 of infected machines. is scanning for unpatched Windows machines still infected by the Sasser worm.
Officially the port used by blackjack servers but also used by a backdoor trojan called PWSteal.ABCHlp. Again, I am being scanned by a computer looking for a backdoor.
Officially used by the SOCKS proxy server. is scanning me, hoping to find a proxy server that it can use to cover its tracks with.
At last a legitimate port, FTP. Here I am being scanned to see if I am running an FTP server that can be hacked by someone wanting somewhere to store some files or a place from which to run a warez site. I don't run an FTP server.
Another legitimate port, this time SMTP. This is someone looking for an open mail server to send spam through.
Officially the port used by the urbisnet service but more commonly a backdoor installed by the W32.Beagle.E@mm worm.
You get the picture. It just goes on and on. Despite being immune to all these WinTel worms and viruses, we should note that there are people out there who will notice very quickly if we turn on our own mail or FTP servers. The same scripts that probe your computer for these services are designed to exploit them the moment they get a positive result. This is why we run a firewall and why we don't run unnecessary services.
Writing the ipfw Log Lines to a Different File
The system.log file is a general dumping ground for all log messages, but it has the facility to write specific messages to separate files. In this case, we're going to write the log lines from ipfw into /var/log/ipfw.log. This file already exists on my system, but at the moment, the /etc/syslogd.conf is not set up to send the messages to it. First, I must edit the /etc/syslogd.conf and add the following to the beginning of the file:
# Exclude ipfw from the main log
This stops the ipfw log lines from being written to the system.log. Now add the following to the end of the file to get the ipfw log lines written to the correct file:
# Log ipfw to its own log
*.* /var/log/ipfw.log
Now it's time to restart syslogd so that the new configuration is loaded. There are two ways of doing this: the Windows way or the Unix way. Rebooting your computer is the Windows way, so we'll do it the Unix way.
sudo kill -s HUP `cat /var/run/`
The preceding line reads the pid of the existing syslogd process and gets it to reload its configuration file. All that remains is to turn logging on, sudo sysctl -w net.inet.ip.fw.verbose=1, generate some traffic, and look at the contents of the /var/log/ipfw.log file. No lines are being written to the system.log file any more. The main reason for this is that the ipfw logging generates so many lines in the system.log file that it makes finding other, non ipfw, messages much harder.
Writing Your Own Rules
Each packet that wants to pass through the firewall, in or out, is checked against the rules in the order in which they are numbered. Once a packet matches a rule, the assigned action is taken, and the next packet is processed. This is why rule 65535 is hard-coded into the firewall; it will match anything that does not match any other rule. Let's walk through the rules we created earlier.
02000 allow ip from any to any via lo*
The first rule allows any ip packet to any address via the loopback interface. The computer makes use of the loopback interface to talk to itself. Trust me when I say that this is useful.
02010 deny ip from to any in
02020 deny ip from any to in
02030 deny ip from to any in
02040 deny tcp from any to in
These rules, and others like them, are there to stop packets with spoofed IP addresses from entering. A more comprehensive set of rules would ban all private IP ranges. The anti-spoofing rules are placed here to stop any packets before they get to the rules that might let them in. If we wanted to bar known bad addresses, this would be the place to do it.
02050 allow tcp from any to any out
02060 allow tcp from any to any established
Here we allow any outbound packets through and follow this up by allowing any previously established connections back in. The firewall is "state-full"—that is to say it doesn't just process a packet and forget about it as it moves onto the next one. It remembers that it allowed a connection from my computer to my ISP's mail server and therefore can identify incoming packets as being part of the same connection and allow then back in without a whole host of new rules.
02070 allow tcp from any to any 22 in
02080 allow tcp from any to any 80 in
02090 allow tcp from any to any 427 in
This rule allows any inbound packet to the ports of the services that we are running in. This leaves just one more rule.
12190 deny tcp from any to any
This rule denies any tcp packet that has gotten this far.
Let's review. We have thrown out the spoofed addresses, we have allowed all outbound packets and all established inbound connections, and we have allowed inbound packets to the ports of the services we are running. All that is left are inbound packets to ports we have not allowed. It's a good thing we have stopped them here as rule 65535 would have let them in!
A quick overview of the rule set:
Allow loopback.
Deny spoofing and people we don't like.
Allow outbound connections.
Allow established connections.
Allow specific inbound connections.
Deny everything else.
All rules have the same basic structure, and a lot can be achieved with the simplest of rules. The basic shape of a rule, more information on which can be found with man ipfw, is quite simple:
[number] action [log] proto from src to dst [interface-spec]
If a rule is given without a number, the next number in sequence is taken. If a number is given, the rule will be positioned among the existing rules. If a rule with that number already exists, then the new rule will be added after the old one, and you will have two rules with the same number. The action can take many values, but for now we're only interested in allow and deny.
Allow will allow any matching packet to pass through the firewall, and deny will just drop them onto the floor.
The optional log parameter will write a line to the logfile for each packet that matched the rule. Lines are only written to the logfile if the system variable net.inet.ip.fw.verbose is set to 1. So we don't have to change the rules when we want to turn logging on and off.
The protocol is the type of packet. The only ones we are concerned with are tcp or ip (which is another way of saying all of them). As a rule of thumb all the protocols are layered over ip, and the most common one we encounter is tcp, with icmp and udp after that.
If you look in /etc/protocols you will see that there are a large number of protocols, most of which we will never encounter outside of this file. Most traffic is tcp, and our rules concentrate on this unless we are blocking something wholesale, in which case we use ip to mean any protocol. But a point of caution: In our "Deny everything else" rule, 12190, we only deny the tcp packets; changing this to deny ip packets may stop your computer from working as many behind-the-scene services still need to get through, such as DNS.
The src and dst are the source and destination addresses that can be defined as either:
any - any ip address
a specific ip address,, or hostname,
a netmask, or
The address can be prefixed by not. Additionally, the address can be followed by a list of port numbers or service names (22 or ssh). For example, the following rules allow FTP connections:
allow tcp from any to any 20-21 in
allow tcp from any 20,21 to any 1024-65535 in
The two rules read:
Allow in any inbound tcp packets to ports 20 and 21 (ftp-data and ftp).
Allow in any inbound tcp packets coming from ports 20 or 21 that are trying to connect to ports 1024 to 65536.
The final element of the rule is the interface-spec. For simple rules, in and out are sufficient and, if omitted, the default is to allow both in and out. When added to a rule they limit the action of the rule to check only the inbound or outbound packets. The interface-spec allows much more control than we are showing here, for example, a rule about being bound to particular interfaces such as an Airport card rather then the normal RJ45 socket.
If we run ifconfig -l, we will get a list of interfaces that are available on our computer. Mine lists six, even though only three are active. The rules we are using will apply to any packet passing through any valid interface.
Our Own Startup Script
The statement "It's not possible to override the firewall built into Mac OS X" isn't entirely true. We could go in and hack around with the kext files, but this is more work than we really need to undertake. What we can do is create our own startup script that runs after the existing firewall to implement our rules. We need to create a directory called /Library/StartupItems/Firewall and include in it two files. The first is a generic startup script called Firewall.
# Firewall
. /etc/rc.common
StartService ()
if [ "${FIREWALL:=-NO-}" = "-YES-" ]
ConsoleMessage "Starting Firewall"
sh /etc/rc.firewall > /dev/null
StopService ()
ConsoleMessage "Stopping Firewall"
/sbin/ipfw -f -q flush
RestartService ()
RunService "$1"
Additionally, we require a StartupParameters.plist file to tell the system when to start our script.
Description = "Firewall";
Provides = ("Firewall");
Requires = ("NetworkExtensions","Resolver");
OrderPreference = "Late";
Messages =
start = "Starting firewall";
stop = "Stopping firewall";
The real work is undertaken by the /etc/rc.firewall script where the actual calls to ipfw are made. For a moment, let's just look at the Firewall script. The service will only start if the environment variable FIREWALL is set to YES. The advantage is that if FIREWALL is undefined, it will default to NO. This allows us to try out new firewall rules by running the /etc/rc.firewall script by hand. But if we have to reboot our computer, our rules will not be automatically loaded until we add the line FIREWALL=-YES- to the /etc/hostconfig file. This is a useful safety net when we are developing our own rules. Once we run our own rules, the firewall tab under services will not be usable until we run sudo ipfw flush to remove our rules.
Finally, we need to fill in /etc/rc.firewall. A copy of rules from earlier will do the job. With the changes made to the /etc/hostconfig file, our custom-made firewall rules will be loaded as part of the normal boot sequence. We now know nearly all we need know to play with our own rules.
How to Test Your Firewall
To test your rules, you need a few resources on hand. First, and most important, you should be working at your Macintosh. If you manage to create a set of rules that stops you from accessing the Internet, you will still be able to open up a terminal, take down the rules, and reestablish your connections. Failing that, you can at least get to the reboot switch. If you are tempted, as I have been, to ssh into your computer from work and make a couple safe changes, you'll discover that you've locked yourself out and will have to wait until you get home before you can fix anything.
Second, you will need access to a second computer that is outside your network. My Macintosh is plugged into a router and exposed as a DMZ host. I can plug my laptop into the same router and access the services on my Macintosh as any other computer would. This allows me to check that the services that I think I am exposing are in fact available.
This second computer also allows us to run nmap, our third resource. nmap is a port-scanning tool with a considerable pedigree. We are using it here to establish which ports are visible and accessible to the outside world. We know what services we intended to be available, but it can't do any harm to check.
$ sudo nmap -T3 -vv -sS -p 1-65535 -P0
Starting nmap 3.55 ( ) at
2004-12-11 16:12 GMT
Host (x.x.x.x) appears to be up ... good.
Initiating SYN Stealth Scan against (x.x.x.x) at
Adding open port 80/tcp
Adding open port 22/tcp
The SYN Stealth Scan took 3127 seconds to scan 65535 ports.
Interesting ports on (x.x.x.x):
(The 65532 ports scanned but not shown below are in state:
22/tcp open ssh
80/tcp open http
427/tcp closed svrloc
nmap run completed -- 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in
3128.366 seconds
The only port numbers that turned up were the ones we set up, and port 427 is closed to the outside world. Everything is looking good. Nmap is a powerful tool with many, varied options and is a useful program to master.
Why Would You Write Your Own Rules?
Given that the firewall that comes with the Macintosh does such a good job and is well integrated with the services that you can run, why would you want to write your own rules? If you have a lone Macintosh that connects to the Internet via an Ethernet cable, then you really don't need to write your own rules. However, if your Macintosh is part of a small network, you may well have services that you only want local machines to connect to. This is the situation I have where I allow remote control of my Macintosh via VNC from local machines but do not want anyone else to know that I even run the service, let alone have access to it.
Playing with a firewall can be quite scary, especially when you see what is attacking you for every moment that you are connected to the Internet. Your most prudent course of action at this point is to remove any custom rules that you have written and let the Sharing Control Panel take care of things. It was doing a perfectly good job before you knew what it was dealing with and will continue to do so going forward.
Peter Hickman is currently working as a programmer for Semantico, which specializes in online reference works and Access Control Systems. When not programming or reading about programming he can be found sleeping.
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Comments on this article
Showing messages 1 through 38 of 38.
running the pearl script
2007-08-30 20:22:53 thxueb [View]
when I tried to run the pearl script nothing happened. I was brought immediately to the terminal prompt with no output or result. I tried:
/...usr/local/bin/myScripts/ /var/log/system.log then I tried perl /var/log/ipfw.logthen I changed #!/usr/bin/perl -w to #!/usr/bin/env perl -w and did perl /...usr/local/bin/myScripts/ /var/log/system.log all (and a few other variations) failed. I gave the script execute privileges and i am certain it is in my path cause I see the path when I type env in the terminal.
How about opening a single nonstandard port
2006-10-11 17:42:47 TomEM [View]
I suspect my problem is pretty common. My ISP blocks Port 80 so I'm using another port for http traffic, specifying that in the URL. To run the firewall, I need to open up that extra port. Isn't there some easy to simply add another line to the rules in the part where the services are opened up? Or do I have to completely override the system preferences.
Thanks for any help. It makes a difference between running and not running the firewall...
StartupItems troubleshooting
2006-04-20 13:40:37 iamstein [View]
Hi, I followed the above directions for creating my custom firewall. I did the following:
1) Created a /System/Libraries/Firewall directory
2) Copyied and pasted the text from this website into a Firewall file and a StartupParameters.plist file in that subdirectory
3) Added a line to /etc/hostconfig that says:
And yet, when I restart my computer, it's still using the same old firewall. Got any ideas?
Thanks, Andy
StartupItems troubleshooting
2006-04-21 10:55:45 peterhickman [View]
You have created the wrong directory, you need to create /Library/StartupItems/Firewall/ It is this directory, /Library/StartupItems/, that OSX looks for when looking for items to run at startup.
Otherwise the rest looks fine.
As I understand it from other people the /Library/StartupItems/ directory may not exist by default. It was so long ago that I can no longer remember if I created it or it was there all along. Here are the permissions from my machine:
drwxr-xr-x root wheel /Library/StartupItems/
drwxr-xr-x root wheel /Library/StartupItems/Firewall/
As a note, never do anything in the /System directory.
StartupItems troubleshooting
2006-04-21 08:24:14 iamstein [View]
Here's a little more info. I changed the name from Firewall to Firewall2, just to see what happened.
bacchus:~ root# /sbin/SystemStarter start Firewall2
Welcome to Macintosh.
Initializing network
Loading Shared IP extension
kextload: extension /System/Library/Extensions/SharedIP.kext appears to be valid
kextload: loading extension /System/Library/Extensions/SharedIP.kext
kextload: sending 1 personality to the kernel
kextload: extension /System/Library/Extensions/SharedIP.kext is already loaded
Loading IP Firewall extension
kextload: extension /System/Library/Extensions/IPFirewall.kext appears to be valid
kextload: loading extension /System/Library/Extensions/IPFirewall.kext
kextload: sending 1 personality to the kernel
kextload: extension /System/Library/Extensions/IPFirewall.kext is already loaded
Exec failed for item /System/Library/StartupItems/Firewall2: Permission denied
Firewall2 (396) did not complete successfully.
The following StartupItems failed to properly start:
/System/Library/StartupItems/Firewall2 - execution of Startup script failed
Startup complete.
StartupItems troubleshooting
2006-04-20 13:58:33 iamstein [View]
Oh, yes, I also, of course created a /etc/rc.firewall file and at the terminal window, if
Furthermore, if I type:
sudo /etc/rc.firewall
It runs just fine
Usable on Mac OS X Server?
2005-04-10 00:25:10 lowrezz [View]
I work in a large Windows organization with a growning population of 8 Xserve systems.
Lately I've been experimenting with the firewall in the server manager and it's frustrating. Your article has provided great insight to refining my issues, but I don't know if the syntax
is applicable to the OS X Server 10.3.8 SW.
Adding firewall rules for NAT + question...
2005-04-06 11:13:06 efixler [View]
Thanks for this great article! I use my 10.3 (client) box as a DHCP/NAT gateway, and was looking for a way to add rules that would let clients on the internal networks comminucate with the outside world freely, without me having to open ports in the internal firewall. I modified your startup script like so:
StartService () {
/sbin/ipfw add 3000 allow ip from to any in
/sbin/ipfw add 3010 allow ip from to any in
StopService ()
ConsoleMessage "Stopping Additional Firewall Rules"
/sbin/ipfw delete 3000
/sbin/ipfw delete 3010
When I run these rules, everything seems to work as intended. However, when the rules are in effect, System Preferences will no longer let me edit the built-in Firewall settings panel, as it can detect that 'other firewall software' is in use.
Anyone have any idea how it detects this; I'd like to circumvent this detection (so that I can edit the general rules while the internal network rules remain in effect)
Adding firewall rules for NAT + question...
2007-07-16 07:42:09 variac [View]
hi eric, were u able to find a solution to your problem. coz m facing the same problem
Adding firewall rules for NAT + question...
2007-07-16 07:41:54 variac [View]
hi eric,
were u able to find a solution to your problem. coz m facing the same problem
Mac firewall
2005-03-26 17:01:35 rspage [View]
What if I am using a router to network 2 Macs and 1 PC? The router has its own firewall. I have the Mac firewall turned off. Is this correct? Also, since I am using the routers firewall can I still turn on SSH and the other items in the Sharing pane of system preferences or would I need to turn them on using the router firewall?
2005-03-25 06:26:35 Porcustal [View]
I can't get this logging to work at all. Nothing happens in my System.log when i start the logging with sudo sysctl -w net.inet.ip.fw.verbose=1
I just get the messege logging the use of sudo...
I did get somethings to log to my ipfw.log, but none was ipfw :/ this is prob because you have it as *.* in syslog.conf, might be better to do ipfw.* or ipfw.notice but of course it wouldn't work for me in the first place. I'm using 10.2.8 Jaguar still, could this be why??
another correction
2005-03-25 05:47:20 2002switcher [View]
The section Our Own Startup Script has the wrong path for creating the Firewall directory. It should be:
another correction
2005-03-29 13:55:01 efixler [View]
Actually, the path in the article is correct. /Library/StartupItems is where you you put your own StartupItems. /System is only for stuff shipped by Apple.
perl-scripts with an input?
2005-03-24 12:14:43 Wikinator [View]
How can I do the perl-scripts with an input?
Am I right to copy the source of these scripts into a new file?
What about SMB?
2005-03-19 18:51:01 jace [View]
I've found that the firewall's default rule for SMB, opening just port 139, isn't adequate. With the firewall on, Windows or Linux users can't access my machine, which is unfortunate because SMB is the only filesharing protocol that works across platforms and usually comes pre-installed.
Do you know what other ports I need to open?
What about SMB?
2005-03-21 05:35:07 peterhickman [View]
If you know for sure that Windows and Linux users can access the SMB shares when the firewall is not running then it is a problem with the firewall. I don't run SMB shares but here is how I would approach the problem.
Find a Windows or Linux machine that wants to access the share and get it's ip address, say x.x.x.x. Then create a rule to allow full access for this address
ipfw add ????? allow log ip from x.x.x.x to any in
Remember to place this rule nice and early in the list (the rule number is at ?????). Now turn logging on and try to access the share (which should succeed). Having done that turn off logging and examine the log file for all references to x.x.x.x This will show you the ports and protocols (tcp, udp, icmp) that were used with the connection. You should be able to work from that. Remember the legitimate ports are usually less than five digits.
Then remove rule ?????.
Firewalls and Internet Sharing
2005-03-17 12:03:14 makalumatt [View]
It seems that if you enable "Internet Sharing" on a Mac, then that particula Mac can't have its firewall enabled, otherwise the other Macs on the network (those sharing the internet access) won't properly be able to access network services. Has anyone else experienced that?
Firewalls and Internet Sharing
2005-03-18 05:23:46 peterhickman [View]
The problem is that when you do internet sharing OS X does not create any special rules for the computers who are accessing the internet through the master computer. The rules for inbound packets are the same for access to your computer from the outside as they are for the sharees. I have found that as I only expose http and ssh then computers that are accessing the internet via my computer can only access http and ssh. What I do is add an extra rule to allow https access to my computer from the airport card so that my wife can access the shopping sites.
allow tcp from any to any https in via en1
Depending on how you feel about the people connecting to your computer you would need to set up a rule for each protocol that they are allowed to use or add a generic rule like
allow tcp from any to any in via en1
but this way you are putting a lot of trust in the users of your system that they will not use your machine as a gateway to spam from.
2005-03-17 09:56:30 adrianmayo [View]
I was interested to see the use of
I cannot find information on the '!' command in 'man 5 syslog.conf'. I can guess what is happening, but can you point me in the direction of this 'missing' syslog infomation.
2005-03-30 22:54:45 johnwilkins [View]
Here's the man page for syslog.conf from FreeBSD 4.11 (the one OS X is based on). It gives a full description of the "program specififcation" ( !program_name and !-program_name).
2005-03-18 01:08:22 peterhickman [View]
Strange I've never noticed that before. It isn't in the man page. It is mentioned in my redhat man page as an extension to the origonal BSD source. Seems to be working as expected, perhaps the OS X man pages need revising.
This syslogd(8) has a syntax extension to the original BSD source, that makes its use more intuitively. You may precede every prior-
ity with an equation sign (``='') to specify only this single priority and not any of the above. You may also (both is valid, too)
precede the priority with an exclamation mark (``!'') to ignore all that priorities, either exact this one or this and any higher pri-
ority. If you use both extensions than the exclamation mark must occur before the equation sign, just use it intuitively.
ftp rules?
2005-03-16 13:49:39 oefe [View]
For ftp FTP connections, the first rule seems to be clear:
allow tcp from any to any 20-21 in
This lets clients connect to the ftp port (21) and to ftp-data(20).
But what is the second rule supposed to be?
allow tcp from any 20,21 to any 1024-65535 in
This would allow clients to access any (unprivileged) port as long as they are connecting from port 20 or 21.
Is this somehow supposed to support passive ftp? But clients normally can't (and won't) use the privileged ports.
Indeed, with the firewall active, I can connect to the ftp server, but I can't up/download files or even get a directory listing.
How do I configure ipfw correctly for passive ftp? Or can I tell ftpd to use port 20 for the data connection?
ftp rules?
2005-03-22 20:23:03 coolmacguy [View]
That second line is indeed erroneous. The client is definitely not restricted to connecting from only port 20 or 21 when it initiates the second connection. According to my logs both Dreamweaver and Transmit use a port in the high 60000 range.
ftp rules?
2005-03-16 15:05:43 peterhickman [View]
The two rules that I gave for the firewall are just a copy of the rules that OS X creates when you turn on FTP and have a firewall running.
If you drop your firewall can you connect and use the FTP server and access it as you would expect? If not then the problem lies with the configuration of the FTP server and not the firewall.
Must confess I do not use the FTP server if I can help it, prefering SFTP.
ftp rules?
2005-05-06 01:16:43 gsyoungblood [View]
I've just run into this problem today.
I can confirm the problem as reported above.
With Mac OS X (10.3.9) firewall on, remote clients are not able to use passive. With the firewall stopped, FTP is fully functional, including passive.
This has been giving me grief, to say the least. Fortunately, my machine is behind a firewall already, so turning the Mac firewall off is not opening me up to problems externally. I'd still rather have it enabled.
If I figure out the solution tonight, I'll post a reply.
ftp rules?
2005-05-06 02:54:25 gsyoungblood [View]
The problem is quite simple. The FTP Access firewall rules only support Active FTP, not Passive. At least that is what it appears to be. For a pretty reasonable description and comparison of Active and Passive FTP, see Active FTP vs. Passive FTP, a Definitive Explanation [].
The short version is this: Passive FTP has a second connection from the client to a specified port on the server, a port that is not port 20 or 21. For this reason, the standard firewall rules for FTP Access do not permit Passive FTP.
I did not look at the configuration options in detail for the FTP server provided by Apple, but I do not recall seeing anyplace to restrict the passive FTP ports to a set range. This is important, otherwise you are going to be opening your firewall for every port over 1024, and that's not a good idea.
In general, the goal is to open the least number of ports necessary to support what you want to run.
Here is how I solved the problem and made Passive FTP work.
First, I decided to use a different FTP server. I decided to try PureFTPd Manager. After downloading and installing it, I ran it and went into Preferences. There, it lets you specify a range of ports to use for Passive FTP. Choose something you are comfortable with, for example 9900 to 9999 (for a small FTP server).
Next, go to System Preferences, and make sure FTP Access is checked in both Services and Firewall.
Finally, under Firewall, click New, to add a new firewall rule. Select Other from the drop down list, and enter the range of ports you decided to use, 9900-9999 using the previous example. Then, enter a description, such as FTP Access (Passive). When you click OK, the rule should be added and activated.
If everything is running and setup properly, Passive FTP should now be working.
Hostname in rules?
2005-03-16 10:52:06 Brad_Fleming [View]
I have an OSX machine that serves in a dynamic IP environment. I would like to add a rule requiring all ssh connections to originate from a * IP. The problem is that users can easily get an IP from several different subnets because they move from one building to another fairly often (what with meetings and wireless). Is this possible? If so, can somebody please help me with the syntax used? Thanks in advance.
Hostname in rules?
2005-03-17 01:22:33 peterhickman [View]
While you can have rules like
allow tcp from to any 22 in
I'm not sure that you could use a * instead of the fred. You would probably have to iterate all possible values for *. The only way to find out is to try it.
Do you have the netmask for *, you could use that.
allow tcp from to any 22 in
Is there another way of approaching this, could you just only allow the various private address ranges in and exclude the rest. Assuming that the * are all private.
Slight error
2005-03-16 09:18:48 finkga [View]
The article states:
02050 allow tcp from any to any out
02060 allow tcp from any to any established
> Here we allow any outbound packets through and
> follow this up by allowing any previously
> established connections back in. The firewall
> is "state-full"—that is to say it doesn't just
> process a packet and forget about it as it
> moves onto the next one. It remembers that it
> allowed a connection from my computer to my
> ISP's mail server and therefore can identify
> incoming packets as being part of the same
> connection and allow then back in without a
> whole host of new rules.
This is not an example of stateful processing. The first rule allows any outgoing tcp connection it doesn't care whether it is a new connection or an established one. To restrict the outbound rule to new connections only, you must append the word "setup" to this rule. This matches only tcp packets with the SYN bit set.
The second rule allows only tcp packets without the SYN bit set to pass. With the two rules entered as listed, someone with nmap can still use ACK packets (pretending to be part of an existing connection) to scan your machine.
If you really want stateful monitoring of connections you need to use the check-state rule and the keep-state actions. For instance, adding the rules:
add 2050 check-state
add 2060 allow tcp from me to any out setup keep-state
will make the firewall stateful. The first rule says, "match the packets against any of the dynamic rules I've made so far." If none of these matches, the next rule comes into play. Rule 2060 says, "if this is a new outgoing connection initiated by me, make a dynamic rule that will allow any traffic from this connection through."
With these modified rules, incoming ACK packets and other beasts trying to pretend they are part of an existing connection will not match and will be turned away at the door. Check out the ipfw man page for more details.
Hope this isn't as confusing as it sounds.
-- Glenn
Slight error
2005-03-17 01:01:12 peterhickman [View]
You are correct, I am using the term 'state-full' incorrectly here. What I wanted to get across was that ipfw did have a memory of previous connections and could recognise a packet as belonging to an already established / permitted connection.
Having said that 'state-full' does have a technical meaning in regards to firewalls an missusing it isn't going to help anybody.
Thanks again for the correction.
Slight error
2006-02-04 15:51:27 sumbach [View]
This still isn't quite right. Using your rules, ipfw doesn't have any memory at all--it's using the TCP flags to determine whether the connection is established or not.
A stateful ipfw ruleset will always contain at least one rule with the 'check-state' action and at least one rule with the 'keep-state' option. ipfw's "memory" is in the form of dynamic rules.
edit or create?
2005-03-16 04:31:07 Oneida [View]
Nice article. I use the default set of rules, but restricted to certain IPs for ssh, and a high numebered port in the router pointing to the ssh port in my mac.
OK. In "Writing the ipfw Log Lines to a Different File" you edit /etc/syslogd.conf.
My mac with 10.3.8 does not have that file, but it does have /etc/syslog.conf which has lines that define where to log things, such as
mail.* /var/log/mail.log
And others.
Should we create /etc/syslogd.conf or use /etc/syslog.conf instead? And if we have to create it, which permissions should we use?
edit or create?
2005-03-16 12:19:19 peterhickman [View]
Sorry that is a typo of mine. As Glen has pointed out in his reply to your question /etc/syslog.conf is the file to use.
Thank you for catching that for me Glen
edit or create?
2005-03-16 10:17:11 finkga [View]
Just use the existing /etc/syslog.conf. But first, I recommend making a backup copy of the file.
-- Glenn
name resolution
2005-07-15 14:58:57 ruy_lopez [View]
Anyone any ideas for adding name resolution to the script. I think it would be a good enhancement.
All worked flawlessly by the way.
Nice article.
name resolution
2005-07-23 07:05:17 peterhickman [View]
The code to do this, taken from perldoc -f gethostbyaddr, would be something along the lines of this, put
use Socket;
at the top with the other use statements, and then when you are about to print out the address do sothing like the following.
my $iaddr = inet_aton("");
my $name = gethostbyaddr($iaddr, AF_INET);
print "$name\n";
However I find the raw IP addresses best as I can just drop them into my firewall.
name resolution
2005-07-25 08:35:21 ruy_lopez [View]
Thanks Peter for the push in the right direction. I now post (for any who are interested) the resulting ammendments to achieve name resolution AND ip data for each ipfw.log event. The result (after a bit of hammering) is the inclusion of these lines:
# obviously include: use Socket; at the top, then:
#look for this part of original script.
printf( "%21s %s %21s : %8d : %8d\n",
0 );
# and in line with the indents apend ( or rather insert after the above ) the following :
my ( $inaddress, $inport ) = split( ':' ,
$inside );
my $iaddr = inet_aton("$inaddress");
my $namein = gethostbyaddr($iaddr,AF_INET);
my ( $outaddress, $outport ) = split( ':' , $outside );
my $oaddr = inet_aton("$outaddress");
my $nameout = gethostbyaddr($oaddr,AF_INET);
if ( defined($namein) ) {
$namein = $namein;
} else {
$namein = "unresolved";
if ( defined($nameout) ) {
$nameout = $nameout;
} else {
$nameout = "unresolved";
printf( "%21s %s %21s\n",
$nameout );
print "\n";
# now the original script continues with these lines:
print "\n";
I warn you that this runs in a rather dirty spluttering manner but should work without errors.
I'm not sure that I'll use it too much but I'm considering using it for daily crontab emailing (I've already changed ipfw from weekly to daily in /etc/periodical), so I get an email of all the addresses and names that ipfw has encountered during the day.
Also, I'm sure the above could be simplified but my perl skills are not yet up to the task.
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